mo’ muslins, mo’ problems

I lost my wallet last week.   On Saturday, I had dinner with friends and we decided to go to one of those random Roma psychics on 9th Avenue—the type where you have to go upstairs into an apartment or stay down in a hallway.  The elegance.  Just call me Jackie Kennedy, y’all.  She read my jaw, which was fascinating and weird.  (In case you were wondering, I’m going to live a long life and be wealthy, quelle suprise, and I’m blocking love.)  Anywho, after that, we had to walk through the dreaded Times Square and the naif of the group decided that we should totally go to one of those comedy shows that are hawked by random dudes in the street.  Where did I lose my wallet, you ask?  In Fabrics for Less a few days later, obviously.  If I were to put my money on where I’d get robbed, I would probably go with Times Square at two in the morning because. . .ick.

I’m telling you this story for a reason, I promise.  Originally, I’d backtracked to Fabrics for Less and we couldn’t find my wallet.  Sam the owner let me use the store phone to call my mom and offered to give me money to get food and to get home.  Seriously.  Then, when he found my wallet, he redialed my mama to let her know.  This is not a few days after he trusted me to take my fabric to his other store (Chic) to pay when the card reader at FfL was being wonky.  I’m still warm and fuzzy.  The Garment District, it’s basically Mayberry.

I have a couple of finished makes, but I figured maybe we could workshop some muslins today.  Also, you will see my face.  Let me warn you, this is the week I get my unibrow and ‘stache threaded and when I’m slated to get a haircut.  Read: I look like a creature from the great wild beyond.  Don’t ever say I don’t keep it real, reader.  Let’s start with the Colette Chantilly.

colette chantilly muslin

This is how my face looks when I take photographs.  This is also why we have so few photographs on the blog.  Anyway, there are some problems here.  I’m thinking I need to reduce the width on the back bodice piece, size down the yoke one or two sizes and really work on the gathering.  While I am admittedly stacked, my bust doesn’t usually brush my chin when I walk.  I suppose the gathers will be reined in when I size things down.

colette chantilly bust

If my cats were a little less inclined to claw out chunks of my flesh, I would have tried to fit one of them in the bodice as an illustrative measure, because that’s not weird at all.  The skirt’s just a plain old six-piece gathered number, so no need for a full shot.

Next!  Simplicity 1873.  Oy.  So, I was in Washington when I put this guy together.  I whipped it up on the rental Bernina and used a random printed cotton.  I’m going to warn you, I look like a cracked Disney princess in it.  I blame the print.  And the sleeves.

Simplicity 1873 1

I have to take my usual touch out of the sides.  I didn’t line it, so the neckline will be a full 5/8″ deeper on the real deal, so that’s not a problem.  The back is fine, we needn’t discuss it.  Do we think the sleeves will read a touch less twee if I make this is a solid color?

Oh, also, please meet Pada the bronze elephant.  We have her in case people don’t think we’re Indian enough or something like that.  I’m not sure.  It’s weird.  Do you have a bronze elephant?  Oh, and Basil is trying to stalk my ankles, as you do.

Sarai at Colette Patterns gave a photography tip (or was it a commenter tip) that you should chat while being photographed in order to seem natural.  Here’s how that panned out for me:

Simplicity 1873 Talking

We were talking about Aretha Franklin’s short-lived marriage.  I believe I was saying something alone the lines of, “Oh, honey child, no.”

On that note, my face and I will see you later!  Please do let me know if you prefer the Trixie pictures.  We had an aunt over, and when she saw me posing and preening she made a face and said, “Can’t you just use a dressform?”  I do love encouragement, y’all.

13 thoughts on “mo’ muslins, mo’ problems”

  1. Yay for awesome photos and muslins a plenty! The Chantilly looks if it is a size or two big all over- the side seams look quite roomy too. Perhaps this may help? For the 1873, I think a block colour will help make the sleeves look sassy. And if worse comes to worst and you don’t like it go sleeveless! Yay for photos!

  2. No, a cat in your bodice is not weird at all! It just illustrates that you have a sense of humour. I like that.
    Regarding the Simplicity – that’s a very high neckline! It may the the print (I struggle with prints, my eyes get zapped, although I am improving), but maybe a bit of skin would help? Of course, I also struggle with high necklines, with my short torso and all. So it may just be a personal thing!

    1. The neckline on the Simplicity is practically choking me. At first I thought it was because I didn’t bother to put in lining or facings, but now I’m thinking that even less the 5/8″ it would still be a noose. Must think about a solution.

      Thanks for stopping by. So glad that I’m not the only person who thinks that a cat in the bodice could totally work.

  3. I think all sewing bloggers do weird things with cats now and again, right? The talking posing works for me unless its the dogs Im talking to- then it gets very freakish looking!

    1. I really want to make a Venn diagram or infographic that outlines the relationship between people who sew, people who have adopted pets, and people who like to read. I imagine it might just be one big circle.

      1. I LOVE your sense of humour and I love your blog!! I was rolling with laughter! Literally wiped away tears from laughing so hard. And…wanted to share, I sew, love to read, love cats ( do not currently have any due to rental rules), and have two birds. You seem to be on to something!!!
        Thanks for keeping it real!!

      2. You’re so sweet. Thanks!

        Rental rules can totally kiss my grits. (They’ve been cramping my dog-adopting plans for ages.) Though your birds must be lovely.

        Thanks for stopping by!

  4. You are so funny- seriously! I was laughing out loud alone in my livingroom (my housemates already think I’m a little crazy, so that’s no problem) while reading your post.

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